Proposition Development
A great customer proposition comes from great customer insight, clarity on what you want to deliver, and understanding that a proposition includes all the touchpoints, not just the sales offer.
Using a number of simple tools we can help you map out your product or proposition strategy and help you develop your thinking to build the right proposition for your customers.
This can be as simple as facilitation of workshops and teaching you how to use the tools or we can work as a member of your internal teams to fully develop the proposition vision, the requirements and map out the desired customer experience.
We have years of experience in delivering a full end to end proposition from conceiving the idea to ensuring that all touch points are correctly briefed and can fulfil any customer missions linked to that proposition, and we have done this across all channels, online, telephone, retail or direct sales.
Whether you are seeking to enhance or add to an existing product or are a start up with a great idea that you need to form and get to market we have the expertise and the experience to help you.
Click here to find out how we helped Dixons Carphone develop their end to end proposition for a new mobile network in Ireland.