MVNO Consultancy
The Team at Graystone Strategy have extensive experience in developing, launching and trading MVNOs globally.
We have successfully launched over 15 MVNOs and have experience working with a wide range of different propositions. This includes low cost MVNOs, International calling and “ethnic MVNOs”, MVNOs with major retailers, B2B focused MVNOs, multi-play propositions and more recently operator owned sub brands, MVNIOT ( Internet of things MVNOs) and even AppVNOs.
Over the years our experts have worked within Operator teams, assessing which MVNOs to partner with as well as working within MVNO and MVNA clients to secure a wholesale deal, build a unique value proposition and take it to market profitably.
It is this unique three hundred and sixty degree experience which allows us to give real life experience based insight and advice. Whether it is on the technical requirements to deliver your MVP (minimum viable proposition), how to engage potential host operators or developing a credible MVNO business case.
With well over 20 years of mobile telecoms experience we can help you with:
– Your initial MVNO feasibility study
– Building the detailed business plan and business model canvas
– Developing and researching your proposition
– Segmenting your market to help you find the most profitable customers
– Managing all elements of your MVNO programme delivery.
In short, we offer end to end MVNO consultancy using highly qualified MVNO experts with real world experience.
To find out how we have helped launch and grow MVNOs globally check out our case studies and MVNO growth hacks.